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Windows 7 Wallpapers

2 reviews
53 k downloads

Set Windows 7 desktops on any Windows OS

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Windows 7 Wallpapers is a pack of wallpapers containing the new designs for the future Microsoft OS: Windows 7.

The pack includes all the wallpapers that will be installed by default in Windows 7. Not only does it include the global wallpapers but also some regional ones.

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The pictures are 1920x1200, so they are big enough to fit any screen resolution, standard or widescreen. All of them are based on nature: plants, animals, water and landscapes.

If you are tired of your wallpapers and you want to be the first of your friends who have the new upcoming wallpapers, download Windows 7 wallpapers and enjoy them.

Reviewed by Uptodown Content Team Translated by Uptodown Localization Team

Information about Windows 7 Wallpapers

License Free
Op. System Windows
Category Wallpapers
Language English
Author Microsoft
Downloads 52,951
Date Mar 30, 2009
Content Rating Not specified
Advertisement Not specified
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2 reviews


quimfisq icon
in 2009

I thought it was a good portal where you can find good screensavers

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